Filmia is a full-service production company providing production services for feature films, TV series and documentaries including
location services & location scouting, budgeting and scheduling all kinds of audiovisual projects and financial supervision including legal, copyright and contracting crew and cast.
Filmia also provides music management services.
Filmia works with highly skilled and creative film professionals with credits on many Film or TV projects. Czech crews are non–union; work 12 hours a day, six days a week, all speak English.
Filmia s.r.o.- Pavel Šolc
Filmography/Resume (Producer/Line Producer/UPM)
1961 6 MAY born in Prague.
1985 graduated from the School of Economics in Prague, where he had been studying Foreign Trade since 1980.
1986 During one year passed around 15 employments, mostly as a manual worker.
1987 November started to work in one of the two state owned film companies in former Czechoslovakia - "Kratky Film"(KF) - as an Assistant Director. After one year worked as a Production Manager.
1987 - 1989 worked on 12 feature films (TV series), around 25 documentaries, some educational films and commercials.
1990 after political changes, left Kratky Film (KF) and began to work as a private company mostly on commercials. In six months produced 15 commercials.
1990 in September was asked to work in newly established production company Space Films on the first independent feature film in former Czechoslovakia since 1945. Since that time had been working on all projects and strategy of Space Films.
: "Tankový prapor" (Tank Battalion) /Dir.: Vit Olmer, Producer: Martin Kratochvil (Bonton), Line Producer: Jiri Jezek/
Production Manager
- feature film, screen adaptation of émigré author Josef Skvorecký´s novel, an ironic portrait of soldier's lives in the Soviet dominated Czechoslovak Army in the 1950s.
:"Aziza-Ya-Kuwait": /Dir.& Design: Jindrich Smetana, Producer & Line Producer: Jirí Jezek (Space Films)/
Production Manager
- a multi-media audio-visual presentation in the style of Czechoslovakia's famed Laterna Magica Theatre. The program received considerable acclaim in many countries in the Gulf region following the end of the Gulf War.
1991 : created own theatrical distribution network (in the name of Space Films). This network bypassed the state-owned distribution monopoly that had not been privatised under the country's free market reforms. Working on effective advertising and distribution of Tank Battalion resulted in the number one box office hit of the year (2,7 millions admissions).
: "Černí baroni" (Black Barons) /Dir.: Zdenek Sirovy, Producer: AB Barrandov, Line Producer: Jiri Jezek/
Production manager
- feature film, based on the M. Svandrlík´s best seller novel.
1992 : collaborating on “Black Barons” distribution - box office hit - 1,7 millions adm.
1992 : "Dědictví aneb Kurvahošigutentag" (The Inheritance) /Dir: Vera Chytilová, Producer: Jiri Jezek (Space Films)/
Line Producer
- feature film directed by the internationally acclaimed Vera Chytilova, opened in December, 1992. Though Czech film faces hard competition from the American film industry, The Inheritance was the No.1 film in the new Czech Republic in January, 1993 , stars Bolek Polívka and turns the bureaucratic tangle of returning state property, the process called "Restitution", into a comic farce.
: Music video "Křídla"(Wings) /Dir.: Tereza Kopacová, Co-dir.& D/P: Ivan Zacharias, Music: Martin Kucaj, Singer: Ilona Csakova/ Line Producer
- shooting 14 days in USA: New York, San Francisco, L.A.
1993 : collaborating on “The Inheritance” distribution - box office hit, 1,1 million adm.
: "Šakalí léta" ( Big Beat ) /Dir.: Jan Hrebejk, Producer: Jirí Jezek (Space Films), Music: Ivan Hlas/
Line Producer
- feature film- musical comedy about Rock´n´Roll movement in Prague in 1959, hails in a new era of Czech filmmaking.
1994 : collaborating on “Big Beat” distribution - the film opened on the No.1 spot and remains in top ten for more than 35 weeks. BIG BEAT becomes the most successful film not only at the box-office - it also gets 5 Czech Film Academy Awards - "Czech Lions" - was acclaimed as the best Czech feature film in the year 1993. At International Festival and Competition of Animated and Feature Films for Children in Zlín, Czech Republic the picture wins Karel Zeman Prize for the best feature film and at 32nd International Film Festival in Gijón, Spain, BIG BEAT is being awarded The Prize of the International Jury.
: Music video “Jo Ulice” (Life on the Street) /Dir.: Miriam Landa, D/P: Jan Velický, Music: Daniel Landa, Singer: Daniel Landa/
Line Producer & Prod. Manager
- shooting 3 days in Prague
: Music video "Kakaová" (Cacao Girl) /Dir.: Tereza Kopacova, D/P: Alexander Surkala/
Line Producer & Prod. Manager - Music video with the most successful Czech pop singer in the history , Karel Gott,
- shooting 1 week in Bahamas Islands and 2 days in Prague.
1995 : "Kolja" ( Kolya ) /Dir.: Jan Sverak, Producer: Eric Abraham(Portobello Pictures-London) & Jan Sverak/
Line Producer
* the most successful feature film of the Czech film history, not only at the box-office it also gets 6 Czech Film Academy Awards - "Czech Lions", American Golden Globe Award, American Film Academy Award Oscar, ...
: collaborating on “Kolya” distribution - box office hit in Czech Republic
- Kolya was distributed in more than 35 countries in the world, including theatres in USA (Miramax Distribution), France, Great Britain, Germany, Italy, Japan, ...
1996 : "Báječná léta pod psa" (The Wonderful Years That Sucked) /Dir.: Petr Nikolaev, Producer: Jiri Jezek (Space Films)/
Line Producer
- feature film based on Michal Viewegh´s best seller novel, comedy, which covers the story of one Czech family during the years
1962 - 1990, screenplay by Jan Novák (cowriter of the script of Milos Forman´s Valmont), principal cast: L. Safrankova and O.Vetchy.
1997 : “ The Archaic Procession “ /Dir.& Producer: Samer Feghali/
Line Producer & Prod.manager
- artificial documentary about sculptures exhibition ( Happening ) in the streets and on the bridges of Prague, the illusion of meeting Kafka and Kandinsky, ...
1998 : “The Scarlet Pimpernel I.” ( Episodes 3 x 90 min. ) /Dir.: Patrick Lau (1.+2.), Ed Bennett (3.), Producer: Julian Murphy, executive producer: Tony Virgo, BBC Birmingham: Trevor West, John Greening /
Production Manager
- period features - TV episodes from the period of French Revolution, shooting in Czech Republic for BBC Television.
- The principal casts: Richard E Grant, Elizabeth Mc Govern, Martin Shaw.
1999 : “Warriors” ( 2 x 75 min. ) ( work. title Peacekeepers) /Dir.: Peter Kosminsky, Producer: Nigel Stafford-Clark, Executive Producers: Jane Tranter a Gareth Neame, BBC London: Michael Wood/
Production Manager
- the story of British Batallion during the war in Bosnia, shooting in Czech Republic for BBC Television.
1999 : leaving Space Films, becoming freelance Production Manager and Producer ,
2000 : “DUNE 2000” ( 6 hours miniseries ) - Milk and Honey Pictures (CZ) for ABC Television production (US), /Dir.: John Harrison, Producer: David Kappes, Executive Producers: Richard Rubinstein, Mitchell Galin, DOP: Vittorio Storaro, Prod. Designer: Kreka, Costume Designer: Theodor Pistek/
Production Manager
- based on a Frank Herbert´s novel, staring: William Hurt, Alec Newman, Saskia Reeves, Uwe Ochsenknecht, ...,.
* 2 Emmy awards+1 nomination
: "LOST EMPIRE (“MONKEY KING”) ( 2 x 90 min. episodes ) - Milk and Honey Pictures (CZ) for HBO production (US).
/Dir.: Peter MacDonald, Producer: Steve Harding, DOP: David Connell, Prod. Designer: Martin Hitchcock, staring: Russell Wong, Thomas Gibson, Kabir Bedi/
Production Manager
2001 : "ANNE FRANK THE WHOLE STORY" ( 2 x 90 min.) - Milk and Honey Pictures (CZ) for Touchstone Television production (US). /Executive Producer: Hans Proppe, Producer: David Kappes, Script: Kirk Ellis, Director: Robert Dornhelm, DOP: Elemer Ragályi, Designer: Ondrej Nekvasil/
Unit Production Manager
- based on Melissa Muller´s Anne Frank Biography staring: Hannah Taylor Gordon, Ben Kingsley, Lili Taylor, Brenda Blethyn, Tatjana Blacher, Jessica Manley, Nick Audsley, Joachim Krol, Jan Niklas, ….
* 2 Emmy awards + 9 nominations, 3 nominations Golden Globe awards
• Establishing his own production company " Filmia s.r.o. ".
: " BLADE II " - New Line Cinema production.
Production Consultant
2002 : VÝLET” ("SOME SECRETS" ) ( 100 min, feature film ) /Script & Director: Alice Nellis, Producer: Pavel Solc,
DOP: Ramunas Greicius, Production Designer: Petr Fort, Music: Tomas Polak, Sound: Jiri Klenka, Editor: Josef Valusiak/
- Feature film in own production. World Premiere: 21 March 2002
* Won the "NEW DIRECTOR'S PRIZE" in San Sebastian Int'l Film Festival 2002.
* Won the "FIPRECI PRIZE for the Int'l Competition" &
won the "BEST SCREENPLAY AWARD" in Thessaloniki Int'l Film Festival 2002.
* Won the main award for the best feature film “THE GOLDEN ARC” in Int'l Film Festival in Paris 2003 (Festival du film de Paris)
* Won “THE BEST ACTOR” award for Igor Bares: Tribeca Int'l Film Festival - New York 2003
* Won the "BEST SCREENPLAY AWARD" at Festroia (Portugal) Int'l Film Festival 2003
"CHILDREN OF DUNE ” ( 6 hours miniseries ) – Milk and Honey Pictures (CZ) for Touchstone Television production (US).
/Dir.: Greg Yaitanes, Producer: David Kappes, Executive Producers: Richard Rubinstein, DOP: Arthur Reinhart, Prod.Designer: Ondrej Nekvasil, Costumes Designer: Theodor Pistek/
Unit Production Manager
- based on a Frank Herbert´s novel with Susan Sarandon in a principal part.
* Emmy Award+3nominations
2004 : “RUNNING SCARED” (Feature film) – Media 8 Entertainment production-New Line Cinema) /Dir.: Wayne Kramer, Producer: Michael Pierce, Executive Producer: Andrew Pfeffer, DOP: James Whitaker, Production Designer: Toby Corbett/
Production Manager
- action drama movie with Paul Walker in a principal part, also staring: Cameron Bright, Johnny Messner, Michael Cudlitz, Morgan Johnson, Chazz Palminteri, Vera Farmiga, Alex Neuberger, Karel Roden, Ivana Milicevic ….
2005 :“WHY INTELLIGENCE FAILS” (Feature Documentaries/Reconstructions - Wilton Films Ltd. and Discovery Television /Communications, Inc. + Filmia s.r.o. / Dir.: Dai Richards, Wanda Koscia, Rodrigo Vazquez/
1st AD + Unit Production Manager
- Three part series for Discovery Television on Intelligence - the way it works, or fails to work. Each programme consists of a number of episodes from contemporary history (Brandt/ Guillaume:1958, 1972-74, Yom Kippur:1972, Singapore:1941, Afghanistan:1978-79, Iran:1978, Barbarossa:1941, …. )
2005: "SLITHER" (Music Video - Band:VELVET REVOLVER - ex Guns and Roses)
1st AD + Unit Production Manager
2006 :“THREE SHEETS” (Documentary) Screaming Flea Productions, Inc., Seatle USA for iN DEMAND HD Television Network + Filmia s.r.o.- (Dir. and Producer: Christina Kindwall, host: Zane Lamprey)
1st AD + Unit Production Manager
- Czech Republic episode - documentary style, travel-based television series in the United States titled ‘Three Sheets,
In this program we explore a country’s history, geography, the people and their cultural traditions by featuring the native alcoholic beverages that are produced there, how they are produced, and the local drinking customs that accompany them. Our host, comedian Zane Lamprey travels to each country in a quest to meet the local people and accomplish this objective.
: “KVASKA” - (Feature film) – 2Landa s.r.o. production, /Written, directed and produced by Miriam Landa, Music: Daniel Landa)
- feature film-musical from the theatre environment.
Unit Production Manager
2007 :”THE SURVIVOR” - (Feature film) – Media Pro Pictures, Romania /Dir: Constantin Nikolaiescu/
- feature film, which was partly shot in the Czech Republic
Unit Production Manager
2008- :”ONE STEP FORWARD” (Prvni krok) - (TV series – 13 x 60 min. – prep and shoot) – for TV channels Nova (CZ), Markíza (SK)
-2009 – Media Pro Pictures production /Producer: Mihai Predescu, Dir: Jiri Vejdelek, Jan Sebechlebsky,… /
Line Producer
2010- :”KRKONOŠSKÉ MUZEUM” (Krkonose Museum) – (Project for the new museum of Krkonose mountains District in Vrchlabi –
-2011 new era of interactive and multimedia museum in the Czech Republic) – with K2 s.r.o. for KRNAP
/Author, Producer and Director: Pavel Stingl, Designer: Roman Koucky, Graphics: Pavel Benes/
Unit Project Manager-Line Producer
2012 : „ANGELIQUE, MARQUISE DES ANGES“ ( Remake of period feature film - Wilma Film (CZ) for AJOZ Films (F)
/Script: Nadia Golon, Philippe Blasband, Ariel Zeitoun, Dir. and Produced by Ariel Zeitoun, principal parts: Gerard Lanvin , Nora Arnezeder, … /
Line Producer
2013 : "DĚDICTVÍ aneb KurvaSEneříká" (THE INHERITANCE II) /Script: Bolek Polívka, Dir: Robert Sedlacek, Space Films (CZ)
Line Producer
- Feature film- sequel of one of the most successful Czech comedy
- Principal parts: Bolek Polívka, Arnost Goldflam, Karel Hermanek, Ivana Chýlková, Jitka Cvancarova, Jiri Pecha, Dagmar Havlova, Miroslav Donutil, Karel Gott...
2014 : "SOMEWHERE ONLY WE KNOW " Feature film–Kaila Pictures Beijing-Milk&Honey Pictures (China-CZ)
/ Director: Xu Jinglei (Leila), DOP: Lee Ping Bin (Mark), Producer: Aimin Jiao (Jackie)/
Line Producer
- Love story drama with two generations, set in Prague, Czech Republic.
- Cast: Wu Yifan (Kris), Wang Likun (Claudia), Xu Jinglei (Leila), Gordon Alexander, Cai Shuya (Sophia), Zhang Chao (Juck),
Re Yizha (Rayza), Jan Vlasák, Dana Syslová, Olga Schmidtová, ….
2015 : "CITIES IN LOVE - PRAGUE " Feature film–Shanghai Artown Entertainment Co.,Ltd.- Milk&Honey Pictures (China-CZ)
/ Director: Wen Muye, DOP: Wang Boxue, Producers: Gu Xiaodong / Cheng Fang
Line Producer
- 4 Episodes Love story feature film (Prague, Paris, New York, Beijing) – Prague episode.
2016 : "COOK UP A STORM (The Orphan Chef)" Feature film– Who Who Workshop Ltd., Hong Kong-Milk&Honey Pictures (China-CZ)
/ Director: YIP Wai Man, DOP: YIP Siu Ki, Producer: CHIEN Kong Hon (CUB) and CHAN Pang Chun/
Line Producer
- Love story from cooking art-environment, set in Guangzhou-China and Prague-Czech Republic,
Personal Info
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris consequat non ex quis consectetur. Aliquam iaculis dolor erat, ut ornare dui vulputate nec. Cras a sem mattis, tincidunt urna nec, iaculis nisl. Nam congue ultricies dui.Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris consequat non ex quis consectetur. Aliquam iaculis dolor erat, ut ornare dui vulputate nec. Cras a sem mattis, tincidunt urna nec, iaculis nisl. Nam congue ultricies dui.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris consequat non ex quis consectetur. Aliquam iaculis dolor erat, ut ornare dui vulputate nec. Cras a sem mattis, tincidunt urna nec, iaculis nisl. Nam congue ultricies dui.Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris consequat non ex quis consectetur. Aliquam iaculis dolor erat, ut ornare dui vulputate nec. Cras a sem mattis, tincidunt urna nec, iaculis nisl. Nam congue ultricies dui.

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